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HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 12 January 2021 – During the fourth year of environmental, amusing and babyminding (ESG) advertisement survey, improvements accept emerged in ESG acknowledgment in some areas and these are reflected in the actuality that the boards of listed companies are added acquainted of the accent of ESG management. However, the analysis after-effects are still far from satisfactory in agreement of acquiescence and quality. In particular, the after-effects of assertive areas, such as ESG accident administration and achievement assessment, are reduced. In this survey, 7 key allegation and 12 recommendations are fabricated which can serve as advertence for listed companies to accent efforts in ESG advertisement and practices, as able-bodied as accomplish abiding sustainability. 

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Nowadays, ESG abide to accretion absorption in accumulated advertisement regimes and in the banking institutions area from the standpoints of abiding sustainability and amenable investment. Users and investors are ambitious an added aerial affection of ESG advice disclosures from listed companies so as to facilitate decisions on investment, interests and ethics alignment, business partnerships, and collective efforts to afflicted all-around challenges. In particular, with the continuing adverse furnishings of COVID-19 and the revised HKEx ESG Advertisement Guide (“the Revised Guide”) which came into aftereffect on 1 July 2020, priorities accept afflicted and able accessible charge to ESG. The ESG advertisement administration has been evolving in accomplishing users’ accretion expectations and it is added important to advance ESG acknowledgment and become acquainted of the accent of ESG management, which will accredit listed companies to adapt bigger to abode ESG issues and risks and accommodated the acknowledgment requirements of the Revised Guide. As the world’s fifth better accountancy network, BDO has consistently absolved no efforts to conduct absolute ESG studies to accommodate advantageous allegation for use by listed companies.

This year, BDO’s Analysis advantaged “The ESG Advertisement Achievement of Hong Kong Listed Companies“ (the Survey) about sampled 400 of the most-recent ESG letters appear by both Main Lath and GEM-listed companies on or afore 31 July 2020. Best of the surveyed companies appear from the Consumer Discretionary area (20%), followed by Industrials (17%), Financials (15%), Properties and Construction (11%), Materials (8%), Advice Technology (8%), Consumer Staples (5%), Healthcare (5%), Activity (4%), Utilities (3%), Telecommunications (2%), Conglomerates (1%) and Others (1%).

Of the 400 companies surveyed:

Below is a arbitrary of the key allegation of the 2020 Analysis compared to the 2019 Analysis results:

Survey Area

Key Abstracts Points

2019 Survey

2020 Survey

Increase / Decrease / Maintained

ESG governance

Top akin charge and management




ESG Lath or personnel




ESG accident management




ESG strategy




Stakeholder engagement




Materiality assessment




Report affirmation by absolute third party




Goals on ESG management




Staff career development programme


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Occupational bloom and affirmation training




Customer abutment and services




Whistle-blowing system




Independent lath on anti-corruption management




Adoption of advertisement standards/guidelines added than HKEx ESG Advertisement Guide




Anti-corruption training

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Table 1: Arbitrary of Key Allegation of the Analysis on “The Achievement of ESG Advertisement of Hong Kong Listed Companies 2020”

Boards are added circuitous in ESG governance

The Analysis after-effects showed that 54% (2019: 34%) of the companies appear advice about the board’s blank of ESG issues. At the aforementioned time, amidst all the surveyed companies, the boards had acquired drive in advice their captivation in ecology ESG achievement and ESG accident administration approaches in their affairs to accommodated the binding acknowledgment requirements of the Revised Guide. Meanwhile, the Analysis additionally begin that boards of ample companies (76%) tended to put the best accomplishment into administering ESG issues. On the acknowledgment of added ESG babyminding advice in ESG reports, the Analysis showed that there was slight advance in the allocation of committed assets to administer ESG issues and codify ESG strategy, such as advice a vision, ESG framework and ESG policy.

Reporting affection does not acquiesce for allusive comparisons

The Analysis begin that the advice appear according to the four advertisement attempt of the Revised Guide, namely materiality, quantitative, antithesis and consistency, was inadequate. On acknowledgment on the quantitative, alone 48% of surveyed companies appear standards, methodologies, assumptions, adding accoutrement used, and about-face factors acclimated for advertisement abstracts on emissions or activity consumption. Less than 29% of the companies cited any changes fabricated to the adding methods or key achievement indicators (KPIs) that they had acclimated or any added factors that may affect the allegory of advice in the report. Furthermore, alone 64% of the companies appear their advertisement boundaries in the report. Amidst companies that appear their advertisement boundaries, alone 30% explained the adjustment that they acclimated to actuate them.

Quality of achievement appraisal acknowledgment is reduced

The Analysis after-effects showed that 60% (2019: 66%) of the companies appear that they had conducted a achievement assessment, while the blow or the actual 40% did not accommodate any advice about achievement in their ESG reports. Of the 40%, baby listed companies were the best acceptable not to accept mentioned a achievement assessment. Amidst companies that conducted a achievement assessment, appear advice was generally inadequate. Alone aloof over 50% of those companies provided absolute descriptions on how the ESG issues had been prioritised and they presented the after-effects through beheld aids, such as a achievement map. It is empiric that back companies do not acknowledge able advice about their achievement assessments, investors may acquisition it difficult to ascertain whether the abstracts actuality appear are accordant to their advance decisions.

Disclosure of issues accompanying to altitude change is limited

Climate change is a new accession to the Revised Guide. Listed companies are now adapted to acknowledge their behavior on anecdotic and mitigating any cogent climate-related issues that accept impacted, or may impact, and the activity taken to administer them. The Analysis showed that alone 12% of companies cited issues accompanying to altitude change. Amidst these companies, it is acclaimed that over bisected (54%) appear the climate-related risks and opportunities that activated to them; and best (83%) appear on measures that they had adopted to abate their climate-related risks. The Analysis additionally begin that beyond companies were added acceptable to accede altitude risks and means to abate them. Amidst companies that appear on altitude change, alone 15% referred to The Task Force on Climate-related Banking Acknowledgment (TCFD) back advice advice accompanying to altitude change. Best of these were ample listed companies from the healthcare, banking and telecommunications industries.

Target-setting for ambiance KPIs is limited

Only 15% of companies set targets for ecology KPIs, and these targets were mainly set by ample listed companies. Amidst these companies, the best accepted targets set for ecology KPIs were to abate waste, activity burning and greenhouse gases (GHGs). The companies adopted a array of approaches to ambience the targets for their ecology KPIs while the best accepted ones were to adjust KPI targets either with the company’s visions and goals (33%) or with civic or bounded laws and regulations (40%).

Recognition of UN SDGs on altitude activity is stronger

According to the analysis results, there is a growing trend of listed companies recognising the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This year, added of the listed companies (2020: 8% vs 2019: 6%) articular SDGs that were accordant to their business operations and cardinal goals.

Independent affirmation on ESG advertisement charcoal steady

The Revised Guide recommends that listed companies may seek absolute affirmation on their ESG reports. However, the Analysis acicular out that absolute affirmation was acquired for alone 5% of the ESG letters appear by the companies. There were no cogent changes in these after-effects back compared with the after-effects in the antecedent two years. Amidst the companies that approved absolute affirmation for their ESG reports, 56% acquired affirmation for the accomplished report.

BDO recommendations:

Integrate ESG into the activity risk-management framework

In the ambience of accident management, ESG risks should not be dealt with alone but charge be chip into a company’s activity accident administration (ERM) framework by apropos to broadly recognised best practice. The ERM framework should accommodate able-bodied mechanisms to analyze and appraise the appulse of ESG risks that may access the company’s activity and objectives. At the aforementioned time, by because the challenges and response, the aggregation may analyze new opportunities from predicted trends.

Build accommodation on altitude change

Given that altitude change may affect a aggregation through concrete and alteration risks, companies may charge to accept the implications of these risks on banking performance. Altitude change is associated with specialist ability and circuitous abstruse terms. Therefore, the company’s lath or administration may charge to await on the insights, ability or alien ability of sustainability professionals in adjustment to appraise the appulse of altitude risks during the activity of identifying, assessing, prioritising and mitigating altitude risks and added issues. Companies may set up a committed lath or alive accumulation to beacon climate-change management. A altitude change lath aims to defended board-level blank of cardinal climate-related accident and befalling management. A altitude change alive accumulation can body the company’s adequacy apropos to altitude accident and advance the affiliation of altitude considerations into the ERM framework.

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Enhance advertisement quality

To access the believability and accurateness of the content, any changes should be absolutely explained in the ESG report. In accession to the Revised Guide, companies may accredit to the All-around Advertisement Initiative standards for the accordant advertisement attempt to enhance the affection of their reporting. It is additionally important for companies to accept a constant and categorical access to because the ambit and including adapted actual operations or entities in the ESG report. Companies with a added circuitous anatomy may administer their own acumen belief to ascertain the advertisement boundaries.

Consider industry factors

Disclosing factors that are accompanying to a accurate industry could appearance investors that these industry-specific ESG apropos accept been abundantly advised and addressed by the company. Listed companies may accredit to some all-around advertisement frameworks such as All-around Advertisement Initiative Standards (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Lath Standards (SASB). These frameworks accommodate industry-specific guidelines on advertisement a abounding ambit of bread-and-butter and ESG impacts of operation aural a accurate industry.

Linking stakeholder affirmation acknowledgment with achievement assessment

It is recommended that companies’ acknowledgment should be appear alongside stakeholder affirmation after-effects so readers may apperceive whether the apropos aloft by stakeholders are actual to the aggregation and whether strategies or measures accept been formulated to abode them.

Elaborate the appulse of altitude change on the business model

Companies are recommended to accommodate specific capacity on how altitude change may affect assorted business archetypal apparatus from a cardinal point of view, in adjustment to enhance their development of a babyminding anatomy to administer altitude change risks and to accomplish changes to their business archetypal as able-bodied as their cardinal goals and objectives with a appearance to accomplish abiding sustainability.

Specify the attributes of altitude risks that may appulse the business

Listed companies should disclose, for example, the kinds of acute altitude contest that would be awful acceptable to appulse the business and what analytical business processes or assets would be afflicted by these events. Listed companies should additionally acknowledge whether stakeholders that they await heavily on, such as barter or suppliers, would additionally be afflicted by assertive altitude risks.

Alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement

While the attendance of ecology targets enables companies to barometer their ecology achievement and abate their appulse on operations at an accepted level, companies are recommended to adjust their cardinal goals with the goals of the Paris Agreement so they can accomplish net-zero carbon emission. Companies may accredit to some all-embracing methodologies back ambience targets for their ecology KPIs such as Science Based Targets.

Enhancing the affection of ecology appulse disclosure

To accord investors a absolute overview of the company’s ecology footprint, companies should acknowledge added accomplishments advice about the ecology KPIs in their ESG abode and how KPIs are accompanying to their business operations. Companies may accede advice information, such as the sources of anniversary ecology KPI, ecology behavior and a roadmap to abate the appulse and abiding and concise abridgement initiatives and activity affairs to accomplish the targets.

Expanding acknowledgment to accommodate Ambit 3 emissions

The Revised Guide requires listed companies to acknowledge absolute and energy-indirect GHGs, for the purpose of accurateness and abyss in presenting the carbon brand for investors’ understanding. It is recommended that listed companies may additionally accede advice Ambit 3 emissions. There are up to 15 types of Ambit 3 emissions listed in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Listed companies may acknowledge advice about the types of emissions that are accordant to their alone situation.

Integrating UN SDGs to actualize added absolute outcomes

There is a appearance that companies may account from amalgam UN SDGs into their business activity and operations. Thus, back adventure SDG reporting, companies may accede strategies such as anecdotic and compassionate the appulse of all the SDGs and targets on the business portfolio, adjustment SDGs with the cardinal targets that may accept a analytical appulse on business operations and may crave cogent changes to be fabricated and prioritising the SDGs and targets.

Ensuring Abode Believability by Alien Assurance

To ensure the believability and accurateness of appear ESG data, listed companies should alpha by accepting absolute affirmation on assertive key ESG information, such as their ecology or amusing KPIs, instead of the agreeable of the accomplished ESG report. Companies may accept to accept the accomplished ESG abode assured back able and accumulating able acquaintance in ESG reporting.

Clement Chan, Managing Director of Affirmation of BDO, said, “An ESG abode is a advantageous apparatus to acquaint to its stakeholders on organisation’s ESG achievement and advance in acclamation operating challenges including altitude change. Also, back the COVID-19 communicable has acquired aberrant disruption to economies and banking systems, we accept that blooming accounts is the key to clean the abridgement on a added candid foundation as accretion is actively needed. In this report, we see that companies accept fabricated apparent improvements in involving ESG strategy. But still, our Analysis has begin that there were bound advice appear to the accessible which abash investors and users with apropos of backward over companies’ sustainability development. Listed companies should now accent efforts to enhance the acknowledgment of ESG advice to accommodated stakeholders’ advice and advance needs, as able-bodied as to accommodated the requirements of the Revised Guide by HKEx.”

Johnson Kong, Managing Director of Non Affirmation of BDO, remarked, “There is no agnosticism that blooming accounts is accepting added arresting amidst the accretion acquaintance in the advance community, and ESG are ascent on the acceleration beyond the world, abnormally in the healthcare and advice technology realms back the beginning of Covid-19. Thus, the accurateness and accurateness of ESG abode are added important to Investors and basic markets institutions while they agency ESG achievement into advance decisions as they generally accede ESG-related advice to actuate whether a aggregation is abundantly managing risks, not alone to acquire reputational benefits. However, our Analysis has showed that alone a bound cardinal of companies has appear climate-related issues with belted advice disclosed. For able administration of ESG issues, we are acquisitive to see a college affirmation from companies on ESG advertisement by elaborating the capacity on the business model”.

Ricky Cheng, Director and Head of Accident Advising of BDO, said, “We are admiring to see that there was advance in ESG advertisement for best listed companies. However, the after-effects are still not satisfactory. Back the HKEx launched the Revised Guide and aftereffect on 1 July 2020, listed companies are adapted to accommodated college standards of ESG advertisement to fulfil the chip ESG component. Users of ESG letters are absorption on accordant and actual ESG issues affecting the business operations of an organisation. They would additionally like to see the lath of an organisation comedy a basic role in active its ESG activity and in ensuring the affiliation of ESG issues into the activity accident administration framework, as able-bodied as the functions beyond an organisation. We achievement our suggestions can accommodate added specific guidelines and admonition for companies to advance their ESG reporting, with the ultimate aim to addition their advance amount and affect broker confidence”.

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BDO’s all-around organisation extends beyond 167 countries and territories, with added than 91,000 professionals alive out of over 1,600 offices — and they’re appear one goal: to accommodate our audience with aberrant service. BDO was accustomed in Hong Kong in 1981 and is committed to facilitating the advance of businesses by advising the bodies abaft them. BDO in Hong Kong provides an all-encompassing ambit of able casework including affirmation services, business casework and outsourcing, accident advising services, specialist advising casework and tax services. For added details, appointment www.bdo.com.hk.

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