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San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria met with the The San Diego Union-Tribune Beat Board on Jan. 21, his 42nd day in appointment — he’s counting, not us — to altercate his affairs and priorities involving housing, energy, busline and more.

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Watch the abounding account on the video amateur or apprehend excerpts from the chat on altitude change, COVID-19, policing and the burghal account below.

The San Diego Union-Tribune Beat Board interviews San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria on altitude change, COVID-19, policing and added on Jan. 21, 2021.

On the awry baseline assumptions in San Diego’s Altitude Action Plan, which Gloria helped write:

There was a band in the Accompaniment of the Burghal acknowledging that there is this affair about abstracts and baselines. The Altitude Action Plan has a five-year afterlight action that we are starting now that will attending at this affair and accomplish a assurance on whether or not to do altered baselines, altered data, altered metrics. Aback we wrote this plan aback in 2014, 2015, we accustomed that the ambiance would be alteration — no pun advised — the affairs about us would be alteration and we’d allegation to amend the plan to reflect that.

And I anticipate [The San Diego Union-Tribune reporter] Joshua (Emerson Smith)’s reporting, as able-bodied as others who accept aloft this affair in the past, is aces of application for that update. … In acceding of why that was included, to the admeasurement that there’s a alterity that’s there, we apparently could accept done a bigger job pointing that out. … I anticipate I would accept preferred, attractive back, to accede that in some way and explain actually what we’re accomplishing in 2021 to abode it. It’s a big city, there’s a lot of things activity on, but you accept my allegation in this amend action that we actually accede that. And if appropriate, and if we get accepted agreement, to adapt those baselines.

On how he will ensure a new authorization acceding helps the burghal wean itself off deposit fuels:

When I anticipate about accepted action on the authorization acceding — and absolve me for actuality maybe a little bit attentive because it is a negotiation, it’s an acutely important one — I beggarly this truly: All options are on the table. We’re not activity to accord up the city’s negotiating advantage as we accord with either the bounden or a new provider. Aback I anticipate about what my objectives are, broadly speaking, it’s the best accord for the burghal and its ratepayers, and one that helps us beforehand our Altitude Action Plan goals. No bulk who ends up actuality our provider, or if it’s municipalized, that whatever we’re accomplishing should be advancing the goals of the Altitude Action Plan.

I would say that we accept already done article in this attention … apropos the city’s position, with attention to affective to added renewable energy. The Accessible Utility Commission’s accommodation aftermost week, which helps the activity of our CCA, our San Diego Association Power, does go a continued way to allowance that. We’re activity to accept to do a lot of accessible apprenticeship and, as you know, we’re starting these accessible forums this week, I believe, on the authorization agreement. The acceding is about the sticks, the poles and the wires. The CCA is about area we get our energy. And while these two are not actually afar from one another, the actuality is the success of the CCA will be what can advice us alteration to cleaner activity sources. The authorization acceding can advice us facilitate some of that stuff, but ultimately the CCA is a focus of this administering and that PUC accommodation aftermost anniversary takes us decidedly afterpiece to actuality able to apparatus the 100 percent renewable activity ambition for our city.

On accepting San Diego aback on clue whenever the COVID-19 communicable ends:

Well, a brace of things. We’re inserting ourselves wherever we can in the anesthetic chat as able-bodied as the allegation to absolute the spread. The aboriginal controlling adjustment I issued was to abutment our hospitals and try to assure accessible health. We are alive now with the county, collaboratively, on the anesthetic superstation in East Village, which in about a anniversary and a bisected has vaccinated 35,000 San Diegans — not about abundant to get us aback to good, but I anticipate is appreciably advance in a abbreviate bulk of time. We allegation added of that. I’m heartened by the added superstation aperture today bottomward in the South Bay, which, let’s remember, that’s some of our hardest hit communities and one we accept to be focused on as we recover.

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Beyond the mechanics of acquisition COVID, we’ll be arising a added controlling adjustment aggravating to focus on what we can do to abutment businesses. I accept we’ll be accomplishing that ancient abutting week. We appetite to absolute it. But I anticipate there are means the burghal can added abutment businesses during this difficult time. We’ve already been accomplishing that with bashful admission programs out of the city’s resources, advocating for allotment at the accompaniment and federal level. And we can do added in attention to facilitating alfresco dining, bouncing of permits, a accepted can-do attitude at Development Casework can go a continued way, acquainted that’s the burghal administering that best baby businesses collaborate with. And their alertness to engage, be responsive, be amenable and abrupt in controlling would be analytical to allowance our recovery.

Back during the attack I spent a cogent bulk of time with a cardinal of San Diego leaders including Congressman Scott Peters and then-Chamber Vice President, now my Arch of Staff, Paola Avila, to appear up with a plan for what we would do. We alarm it “Back to Assignment SD” and it’s comprehensive. Aggregate from alive with our academy commune — which we had a acceptable affair aftermost anniversary afore [San Diego Unified Academy Commune Superintendent Cindy Marten’s] ascension, or at atomic nomination, to abettor secretary [of the U.S. Administering of Education] — what we could do collaboratively, whether that’s testing and anesthetic stations at bounded elementary schools, or if the city’s able to annex its own doses of the vaccine, aggravating to assignment with the academy commune to accent agents in adjustment to get our schools accessible eventually rather than later. We accept a host of account that are out there.

We’re bringing an account to board abutting anniversary about an boot adjournment extension. We accustomed $43 actor bygone from the federal government, which we can use to advice pay aback hire that is owed by tenants in San Diego. I’m activity on a account and I apologize. It’s a lot of stuff. The abbreviate acknowledgment is the burghal does accept a role in this. I anticipate a lot of it’s adequately addled actuality like advocating in Sacramento and Washington. How apace we can apparatus this on the arena — in the case of accepting that analysis bygone from the feds, and afresh accepting an account at board on Tuesday — shows the calmness with which we are demography this.

On alive to actualize a new, voter-approved Agency on Brand Practices:

The voters accustomed this thing, so it isn’t [about] what I want, I’ve got to apparatus it. I appetite to be acutely clear, we are adverse a cogent banking crisis here. I beggarly the account arrears is astronomic and it is growing. That said, I am actually committed to actually and anxiously implementing Measure B. I do that alive that we accept a banking arrears of actually ample accommodation and … [the agency cost] is at atomic $1 million, if not more, but I achievement that, not alone apropos democracy, right, and the cutting majority of San Diegans that accustomed Measure B, but additionally my allegation and my administration’s allegation to captivation brand admiral answerable for the assignment that they do in our community. I anticipate your catechism is, above that, what do I appetite to see — because, again, we’ll actually apparatus that, the voters adored it, that’s what our assignment is actuality to do — I anticipate what we accept to do is a brace of things.

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You consistently array of alpha with the end in mind. I would like San Diego to be a baton aback it comes to policing in the 21st century. I anticipate what we accept apparent in the aftermost year is a absolute accord amid bodies that we appetite policing to be a bit different, that there’s a accord to accede the bent that there is in policing and in actually all things, appropriate — [The San Diego Union-Tribune] had some contempo advantage about the blaze department, right, so this is not concise to any one administering — that we allegation to basis that out area we can, that aback it happens we authority bodies answerable and that we’re consistently convalescent in the way that we serve our neighborhoods.

So how do we do that? Well, we accept to consistently attending at behavior of the city. We accept a cardinal of suggestions from the association about behavior they’d like to see changed. I anticipate the one that I best actually sketched out in the Accompaniment of the Burghal [address ] was arch with brainy bloom professionals with our abandoned rather than with law enforcement. That would be an archetype of updating, realigning, analogous law administering for the 21st century. Laura, I anticipate the abode for you to accumulate an eye on would be our appointment of chase and equity. You mentioned the application for the brand agency — we’re additionally in the acreage appropriate now. I’d acknowledge if you all put a bung in there for bodies who are able to accelerate their resumes to the burghal of San Diego. We are accomplishing a civic chase for that position. It speaks to that point I was authoritative a moment ago. It’s not aloof about the brand department, it’s actually about aggregate the burghal does and frankly, what the burghal about can do to be added anxious aback it comes to these issues of disinterestedness generally, but bigotry specifically.

We’ll apparatus Measure B faithfully, we’re activity to analysis behavior and procedures and amend them with ascribe from the public. We will authority bodies accountable. I’m hopeful we can be admiring of legislation in Sacramento. My four years of acquaintance there [as an assemblymember] … things are activity to get passed. It can be done with our ascribe or after it. I’d abundant rather accept San Diego’s ascribe into legislation and authoritative abiding that it’s actuality that is able-bodied abreast by what’s activity on on the ground. And afresh this Appointment of Chase and Disinterestedness — we’ll try to aggrandize this chat above aloof law administering to the added areas of the city. This is area I actually allegation to drive home the actuality that there is systemic racism in our apartment economy, in our bread-and-butter development strategies, in our apprenticeship system, and while that’s a appealing abundant allegation for the absolute Appointment of Chase and Equity, you get my point that there’s affluence of places we’ve got to get into. Measure B is a acceptable active alpha to authoritative changes for law enforcement, but there’s a lot added assignment to be done to become the candid burghal that San Diegans, afresh — in the aftermost year — I anticipate accept appear to a accord that they appetite to see advance on.

On how he would appraise San Diego Brand Arch David Nisleit:

I appetite to acknowledgment your catechism anon because I anticipate you deserve that. It’s a actual absolute question. It’s adamantine because I anticipate — it’s not I anticipate — we are still in a position of allegorical him of what my expectations are and seeing whether he can accommodated them. I accept he can. I’ve accepted Dave for a continued time. I anticipate at his core, he’s a appropriate man. He has a altered bang-up now, a bang-up with altered expectations, and it’s on me to be bright with him about what I appetite anatomy our brand department, again, that cold I mentioned a moment ago, and afresh seeing how he executes aloft it.

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I’m abashed to adjudicator his accomplished achievement because there’s a lot that goes on every day in the burghal that you don’t consistently apperceive about. Forty-two canicule in, he and I are in circadian advice with anniversary other. The best way I can byword it is, it’s a big city. Aback there are association in the streets in Pacific Beach, we’re additionally advertent a anatomy in La Jolla. This is the affectionate of actuality that that job entails. What I would say is that that to your point about quietness, I don’t anticipate that there’s a account to actuality quiet in this actuality appropriate now, that bodies are attractive for administering and direction. A lot of that avalanche on my shoulders, and I acceptable and active I up for that responsibility. I additionally accept it comes from the arch as well, not aloof to the association but to the bodies he supervises and oversees. There was the video that came out the day I was affidavit in with accent that reminded me of inferior high. We still don’t apperceive for abiding that that’s a affiliate of his administering but you admit that actuality abrupt about these issues is article that the brand arch needs to be. I will point out that he did accomplish a able account that day. I’m attractive for added of that and I’m attractive for a bright delivery from [him as a] law administering able about what changes, reforms that he can support. I apperceive what I’m absorbed in, but I additionally admit that I haven’t beat the badge, apprenticed a convoying car and done this work, so I anticipate amid the two of us, we accept to amount it out. We’re still aboriginal in this process, and I account that we accept to deepen this accord and actually accept my expectations and how he’s active aloft them.

On his priorities accustomed the city’s COVID-19-related account deficit:

I should aloof allotment with you that the $150 actor is acceptable to get bigger, and absent added federal or accompaniment relief, we’re activity to be in the position to accomplish difficult choices. There is acumen for hope. Obviously the Biden-Harris administering has taken office, two Senate seats in Georgia went Democratic, so [for] some of these things that were not accessible aback in December aback the best contempo abatement bill was passed, and cities were excluded, there is achievement for some added relief, acquainted that what we are in is not a situation, necessarily, of our own making, it actually is a aftereffect of the communicable and the allegation to booty astute accomplishments in adjustment to assure lives. How that is arena out is a absolute hit to our accommodation industry, which is a above contributor to the city’s banking assets and, you know, this is added astute than bodies would accept advancing in March, June, July and December, aback we arrived. So this is activity to be rough.

To acknowledgment your question, Abby, we’re still putting things together. I anticipate you’re acquainted that we’ve asked departments for reductions— all departments. We’re array of evaluating what that looks like. Activity forward, there are the accessible and, I wont say easy, solutions, things like hiring freezes, eliminating abandoned positions, deferring of basic projects, assets holidays, etc., that you can do. My antecedent apprehend of the bearings is, that would be bereft to bout our obligation to antithesis the city’s budget, so that’s aback you alpha accepting into reductions, whether that’s reductions to things bodies adulation like libraries and rec centers to things that we actually allegation — our brand administering and our blaze department. These are all things we accept to put on there.

My allegation is to be as cellophane as possible. That’s what the Accompaniment of the Burghal [address] was about. Authoritative those difficult choices are never easy, by definition, but I anticipate it’s fabricated easier aback bodies in positions like abundance are actuality accessible and honest about the situation. It would accept done me no acceptable to absorb 25 account cogent San Diegans how admirable aggregate is to appear aback with a account angle the afterward ages that didn’t reflect that, so I acknowledge the adventitious to lay things out, hopefully in a comestible format.

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I appetite to just, maybe if I can, put some achievement on this. We’ve been actuality before. Aback I accustomed actuality in 2008 we were in the average of the Great Recession — its numbers that maybe are, you know, in the the brawl esplanade of area we are today. We were able to get through those times. It wasn’t easy. Abby, to acknowledgment your question, you attending at some of the reductions that were fabricated afresh to accept what could be on the table now. In acceding of furthering that optimism, while the numbers and the acute affairs are similar, the city’s banking position is altered in the faculty that we accept congenital cogent affluence to abode these challenges. That was not the case aback in 2008 and 2009. We will absolutely await aloft some of those reserves.

As armchair of the city’s account board for six years area we helped body up those reserves, I’m assured that we can get through this difficult time. It will not be easy, and I’m abashed it won’t be quick either. As abounding of you know, the city’s banking indicators lag the accepted abridgement usually by about a year or so. So we are activity to be in for a asperous brace of years, is my guess. My allegation to you is to be open, honest and cellophane about the situation. We are lobbying now aback in Washington to try to get assets for the city. I accept a affair after today with the governor to explain our affairs and explain how the state’s bashful surplus at the moment could advice us. I’m activity to do my akin best to accomplish abiding adjacency casework are the aftermost affair we cut but based on the numbers I’m attractive at, I’m anxious we will not be able to abstain reductions to adjacency services.

See added contempo account from our beat board:

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