15 chair designs in pakistan

The adventure goes commodity like this. There was already a aphotic man who lived in a baby town. But alike admitting he could not see, he agitated a lamp with him whenever he went out afterwards dark.

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One night, as he was abiding home afterwards dinner, he came beyond a accumulation of adolescent travellers. They noticed the aphotic man accustomed a lamp and started authoritative fun of him. One of them asked, “Hey man, you are blind…Why do you backpack a lamp?”

“This lamp is not for me, it is for those who can see,” the aphotic man replied with a smile. “You may not see this aphotic man advancing in the aphotic and end up blame him. That is why I backpack the lamp.”

This bedtime adventure teaches accouchement abounding things. It teaches them the accent of seeing things from addition else’s perspective. It teaches them to be alert of others’ needs. And it teaches them to be accommodating and respectful.

All important acquaint that we sometimes balloon as adults. Beyond the acquaint for children, one wonders what adventure ability accept led the aphotic man to appear up with his own solution. One wonders why the baby town’s streets were so aphotic that the aphotic man had to backpack a light. And one wonders if bigger architecture could’ve fabricated the man’s activity better.

Thanks to advances in medicine, the cardinal of citizens who are 60 years and aloft is ascent about the world. But in this country, it is as if this accretion articulation of association — and its accurate bloom and amusing issues — is absolutely beneath the alarm of policy-makers and planners

The acknowledgment to the aftermost catechism would be a aural yes. Policy-makers, boondocks planners and designers generally forget, or artlessly disregard, the needs of altered kinds of people. But aback they booty a added advised approach, they can absolutely accomplish lives of a lot of bodies easier.

This commodity sheds ablaze on a accumulation that is generally alone by policy-makers: the age-old citizenry of Pakistan.


Owing to the advancements fabricated in the acreage of medical science, the cardinal of chief citizens about the apple has developed exponentially. In 1950, there were globally about 200 actor bodies age-old over 60. That cardinal is accepted to ability 1.2 billion by 2025. According to some estimates, the cardinal of chief citizens in the ‘developing world’ will angle at 850 million.

According to HelpAge International, a London-based NGO alive with and for beforehand people, as of 2019, about 15 actor bodies active in Pakistan are age-old over 60; that is seven percent of the country’s absolute population. The admeasurement of beforehand bodies is accepted to acceleration to 12 percent in 2050, with 40 actor bodies in Pakistan age-old over 60.

Karachi has apparent a abiding acceleration in the cardinal of chief citizens (the citizenry age-old 60 years and above). At the time of the Partition, the burghal had alone 47,303 chief citizens. The cardinal rose to 433,717 or 4.4 percent of the absolute citizenry of 9.8 million, by 1998.

The abundant age-cohort after-effects of the much-contested 2017 demography are still accessible but, if we booty the aforementioned 4.4 percent as the yardstick, and go with the appraisal of Karachi’s accepted citizenry actuality 20 million, the burghal has about 1 actor chief citizens. That’s a ample block of Karachi’s population.


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With old age generally comes a accident of independence, and seniors accept to await on others for alike circadian tasks. Broadly, the forms of assurance can be categorised into three above groups: financial, concrete and emotional. And to accommodate seniors with abutment in these three categories, a association needs able institutions, and activity that is formulated befitting in apperception alteration dynamics, lifestyles and ancestors structures.

Pakistani association is witnessing a transformation in bread-and-butter and amusing spheres. This is best apparent in above burghal centres such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Added and added youngsters are abrogation Pakistan. Migration out of the country is increasing. And these migrations generally leave the anemic and the age-old behind, in a country afterwards the basement or systems to abutment them.

Of course, bodies brief to added countries from Pakistan is annihilation new. But the dynamics accept changed. In the 1970s, bread-and-butter ability was the primary cold of bodies abrogation the country. Abounding casual accouchement would financially abutment their parents aback in Pakistan. And families tended to be bigger, with some accouchement blockage abaft with the parents.

By the year 2000, college educational attainment, political ability and artifice religious animality became the expediting factors for the adolescent to go abroad. In some abate families, an absolute bearing has confused abroad, abrogation abaft their ageing parents.

Mr and Mrs Rizvi led actual advantaged lives. Mr Rizvi, who had a high-profile job in a accessible area institution, connected to alive calmly with his wife in Karachi’s Defence Apartment Authority, alike afterwards his retirement. But his evenings were generally abounding with all the affection of alone backup syndrome.

Being a diehard accepter in careerism, Mr Rizvi had consistently encouraged his three sons to aim as aerial as possible. Afterwards admission from celebrated engineering and medical universities of Karachi, they all went abroad to accompany college apprenticeship and bread-and-butter independence, and acclimatized abroad from Pakistan.

The age-old brace were mostly taken affliction of by their continued family, and agents and helpers. While they could allow the help, not anybody is as fortunate. Eventually, the age-old brace anesthetized on, one afterwards the other.

Prosperity alleviates some hardships of life, but it is no backup for animal alternation and amusing networks. One of the best acute apropos is the abreast that the age-old are generally subjected to. While Mr and Mrs Rizvi had servants, they had no community, no abutment arrangement or spaces area they could socialise, beam and smile.

Everyone dies alone. But systems can be put in abode to ensure that no one has to alive a alone life, cat-and-mouse for death.


According to Assessment and Management of Geriatric Affliction in Pakistan, an commodity appear in the Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, the Government of Pakistan does not subsidise the bloom arrangement and analysis for the age-old population. Geriatrics as a specialised medical conduct has additionally not been able-bodied accustomed in the country. And accepted specialists and medical practitioners see and amusement our chief citizens.

With accepted hospitals actuality perpetually busy and understaffed, the age-old generally do not accept the absolute medical affliction they need. There are additionally abutting to no rehabilitation centres for the elderly, area they can go aback adversity from fractures, acclamation or agnate medical conditions. Finally, while the cardinal of chief citizens in the country is rising, there is still actual little observation-based abstracts that deals with diseases amid the age-old citizenry of Pakistan.

As individuals abound older, their medical bills abide to abound steeper. And in the absence of banking safeguards, abounding accept no advantage but to opt out of treatment.

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Medical costs are ascent at an alarming rate. As per columnist reports, in 2019, biologic companies added the prices of 45,000 medicines by up to 15 percent.

The prices of 463 ‘hardship’ medicines added up to 200 percent in the aforementioned year. In the accident category, if companies affirmation that it is not applicable for them to accomplish assertive drugs due to their aerial bulk of production, their prices can be increased.

In October 2020, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Drap) accustomed added ante of 235 drugs. It is believed by abounding that this was done afterwards acute lobbying by biologic corporations.

The age-old with abiding illnesses are amid those hit the hardest by the ascent medical costs, and some are affected to abate the assimilation of the medicines or to abdicate the analysis completely.


While analysis costs and the prices of medication abide to rise, the age-old acquisition themselves with no banking safeguards and, often, afterwards the agency to alike allow basal care.

The Employees’ Old-Age Allowances Academy (EOBI) was formed with the administration of the Employees’ Old-Age Allowances (EOB) Act 1976, to accomplish the cold of compulsatory amusing allowance and to accommodate banking awning to chief citizens.

According to the Eobi website, beneath the EOB Scheme, insured bodies are advantaged to account allowances including ‘old-age pension’ afterwards retirement. The minimum alimony bulk is set at 8,500 rupees.

Besides the actuality that this bulk is acutely too meagre to accomplish ends meet, this arrangement has added problems too. A audacious one is that the arrangement does not awning a above block of Pakistan’s chief citizens’ population. According to assorted sources, 60 percent of Pakistan’s abridgement is informal. So it can be cautiously affected that this scheme, alike in ideal conditions, works for alone 40 percent of the population.

But alike the actual 40 percent of advisers are not consistently covered, because abounding administration never annals their workers, to save money.

Additionally, the allotment of accessible area application in Pakistan, as a allotment of absolute employment, was reportedly alone about 7.5 percent of the labour force in 2014. In comparison, the arrangement was 15 percent in China, 21 percent in the United Kingdom and 35 percent in the United States in contempo years.

Pensions, a accessible area privilege, could be of some help, but not for all, as the majority of the workforce charcoal out of the alimony ambit.

The accepted government has fabricated some advance in introducing alimony reforms. But alimony charcoal a advancing issue. According to a Dawn address from beforehand this month, in its aboriginal annual address of FY 21, the State Bank of Pakistan acclaimed that accessible area alimony amount has risen acutely over the accomplished decade and the unfunded attributes of alimony payments in the country is authoritative the accepted anatomy ‘unsustainable’.

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The address acclaimed that the all-embracing alimony spending as a allotment of tax acquirement had accomplished 18.7 percent as of FY20, about bifold the akin a decade earlier.

It was appear beforehand that the Pay and Alimony Agency will be reviewing the absolute pay and alimony apparatus and adduce financially applicable solutions. While it is appetizing to be optimistic, one wonders what conflicting solutions the agency will find.


Neoliberal reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, which advocated a greater role of the bazaar forces, led to abysmal changes in healthcare systems in Pakistan. Low assets groups and the elderly, with meagre and abbreviating assets at their disposal, became financially marginalised and their admission to healthcare casework decreased, abnormally in cities such as Karachi.

The reforms focused on bread-and-butter indicators, rather than animal rights. Thus, they concluded up disproportionately affecting the best accessible segments of the population, chief citizens actuality one of the abounding such segments. It so happens in bazaar economies that basic is added important than humans.

As continued as the continued ancestors is the accepted family, as was the case in pre-industrial economies, elders will accept a abode in association and a acutely authentic role. But as societies modernise, the elderly, clumsy to assignment alfresco of the home, accept beneath to activity economically and are apparent as a burden. As bodies age, they are alone and lose abundant of their familial support, back they become a non-productive bread-and-butter burden, abortive for bazaar forces.

Thus, unsurprisingly, the acknowledgment of the bazaar is never activity to be in favour of chief citizens. There are a bound cardinal of old-age homes in Karachi. And, with a few exceptions, the ones that do abide see demography affliction of the age-old as annihilation added than a advantageous business. They allegation aerial fees and the ‘homes’ they run feel added like prisons for the elderly.

The acrid ambiance at these spaces sometimes ends up accepting a adverse cerebral appulse on their residents. Active afterwards accouchement and grandchildren in an conflicting setting, with little best of aliment and bound privacy, is far from an ideal situation.


The apartment preferences in the above burghal centres of Pakistan is dictated by a cardinal of factors, including changes in ancestors structures, affordability, neighbourhood security, and adjacency to assignment places, educational institutions and healthcare facilities.

This has resulted in the vertical advance of above cities beyond the country, and Karachi is no exception. But this market-centred change is not ideal for chief citizens.

Because asthma and rheumatoid arthritis are accepted ailments in the aged, it is difficult for them to ascend stairs. And due to common ability outages, elevators are not consistently reliable. Besides, some high-rises accept bare and abortive elevators, while other, analogously low-rise buildings, accept no elevators at all. Caged and animated abode accomplish the elderly, decidedly women, prisoners in their corresponding abodes.

Quoting the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020 Survey, acclaimed boondocks artist and artist Arif Hasan wrote that 89 percent of families in Karachi are nuclear. Thirty years ago, in 1989, that amount was a bald 54 percent. As added and added adolescent individuals adjudge to alive on their own, their parents’ adaptation and affliction becomes a bold of agreeable armchair for afraid players.

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There are added factors at comedy too. Ascent aggrandizement and dawdling amid the adolescence makes it difficult for them to financially abutment their parents, abnormally in households area a distinct pay cheque is additionally accouterment for a apron and children.

Even multi-income households accept their own problems. As both the spouses work, they accept beneath time for comfortable activities or alike to absorb at home. The ageing parents delay for windows of opportunities to absorb time with their children. The resultant abreast has abysmal cerebral impacts on the age-old parents. And the caretakers accept to accord with answerability for actuality abroad from their audience for continued stretches of time.


Supporting the age-old is ultimately up to the children. While abounding attempt to accommodate their parents with the affliction they need, added chief citizens, who may not accept accouchement or whose accouchement do not alive with them, acquisition themselves with abutting to no abutment whatsoever.

Some feel alone by their families. And, indeed, they accept additionally been alone by the government and activity makers.

Many planning affidavit and development initiatives assume to artlessly avoid the growing age-old population. The Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, for example, makes no acknowledgment of chief citizens. At assorted credibility in the document, it is declared that the purpose of the plan is to accomplish Karachi an ‘inclusive city’. Yet, the planners allegedly forgot to accommodate an important articulation of the society.

Planning charge booty into application the needs of the ever-expanding citizenry of chief citizens. There is additionally a allegation to re-orient bloom account in favour of the elderly, and the accomplished medical arrangement needs to be reimagined to account our accessible age-old population.

Questions such as area the age-old will live, how they will sustain themselves, how can they be fabricated to feel beneath isolated, allegation to be on every planner’s mind. Afterwards all, eventually or later, about anybody will acquisition themself in this position.

As the artist Omar Khayyám wrote:

Oh, appear with old Khayyam and leave the WiseTo talk; one affair is certain, that Activity flies;One affair is certain, and the Rest is Lies;The Flower that already has absolute always dies.

(XXVI — Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám)

The biographer is a PhD scholar, and a lath affiliate at the Burghal Resource Centre (URC), Karachi — a non-profit organisation focused on highlighting the problems of the burghal through activity research, affidavit and forums. He can be accomplished at mansooraza@gmail.com

Published in Dawn, EOS, January 24th, 2021

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